Federal judges, court staff, and representatives from other federal agencies have participated in several student outreach events throughout North Dakota this spring.
Chief Judge Peter D. Welte, Magistrate Judge Alice R. Senechal, judicial law clerks, and attorney volunteers welcomed over 40 students from West Fargo’s Sheyenne High School for the Civil Discourse and Difficult Conversations program in March. This was the third year Sheyenne High students have participated in the program at the Fargo Courthouse. Students also toured the U.S. Marshals Service offices.
Magistrate Judge Clare R. Hochhalter, Assistant United States Attorney Jonathan O’Konek, Assistant Federal Public Defender Erin Bolinger, and Probation Officer Megan Scherf traveled to Minot to present a Bill of Rights Day program to students at Our Redeemer’s Christian School in March.
North Dakota State University Pre-Law Club students visited the Bismarck courthouse in February. Senior District Judge Daniel Hovland spoke regarding his pathway to the bench, and the students heard from representatives of the United States Attorney’s Office, Federal Public Defender’s Office, and Clerk’s Office.